Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fat Man on a Bike (continued)...

Although I am sure that many of you don't give a hoot I am happy to say that I have continued to ride my bike regularly. At least once a week I have pedaled to ASU and back and have even gone out once or twice other than that. It has been fun and has proven to be somewhat effective and helping me slim down. I stood on the scale today at the gym on campus and found that I have lost about 10 pounds! I don't see any physical results yet but Maria claims that I am looking slimmer. I think when I multiply that by ten or so I will start to notice and be a lot happier.

When I left on the mission I weighed about 260 and when I came home I was closer to 190! I now weigh a lot more than both of those numbers but hope to return to either of them.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're taking the bike riding seriously again, Jacob. Along with the weight loss, there are other benefits to riding. Stay safe! There's a bunch of loonies on those roads! :-}

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Don't let your bike get stolen again...

Jann said...

This is great. Good job.