Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tears and Dishes

Last night Kirsten and Josh spent the night and we made waffles for breakfast. The best part was that Jake decided to help me cook and clean up after ward. You should know that Jake is a wonderful and helpful husband. He does laundry and picked up Nacho's poop, but I can about count the times on one hand that he has helped with the dishes. He HATES doing the dishes! Just about as much as I HATE doing the laundry!

This evening Mike came over and we ate spaghetti and meat balls for dinner. After Mike left to go home to St. Johns Jake went in the Kitchen and started to clean up the dishes again. I think it might have been a combination of him helping with the dishes twice in one day and the pregnancy hormones but I started to cry at the sight of him doing something he hates so much. After he was finished I gave him a hug and he had a good laugh at my goofy crying. I feel so grateful for such a simple act of love and kindness.


Jen said...

That is so sweet. Good job Jake, you guys are the cutest couple.

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

That is so hilarious!

Anonymous said...

You two are so much fun!

Thanks for feeding my guy! :-p

Jann said...

Awesome Jake. Man, I can see the brownie points adding up.