Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fat Man on a Bike

Back in the day when I was young, energized and at least half the size I am now I would pedal my butt all over the place. My best friend and I were always discovering new places to go and things to do by bike.

When I first came to ASU after high school (2002) I used my bike to get me from the cheap parking lot about a mile away from campus to class everyday and got to where I really enjoyed using my bike on campus.

Saturday I bought a bike (click on picture for more info) and yesterday made the daring feat of riding my bike from home to class and back! It was nearly 20 miles round trip - and I did it! To my surprise it did not kill me (and I did not cause any accidents) and seems very doable in the future as a means of cutting back on gas use and hopefully as a means of getting in shape.

Later that night I even had enough energy to go and play raquetball with some friends and today I am not feeling all that sore.

1 comment:

Van Haren Family said...

Maria!? What!? We just wanted to say hi!!!