Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I think the monotony of life is starting to catch up with Maria and me both.

We are both just so tired of where we are right now in life.

Maria is the bread winner, having to leave her son at home as she does her 9 to 5 in a 4ft by 4ft cubical. She wants nothing more than to stay home and take care of Davis, the house, and me.

I start four new classes every six weeks but there are times that I forget what classes I am even in because they have all become one long class. I am tired of being a kept man. I want to go out and work.

We both want out of this rut.


Ellen Rae said...

I know just what you are going through. It could be worse though. I had to put Michael in daycare while I worked and Rich was in Medical school. Some times I would have to pull his arms from around my neck and then I would cry all the way to work. I was so greatful when Christine and Carroll moved to Tucson. I was able to leave Michael with Christine after Maria was born. So Maria has always been Michael's little sister.

Ammon and Lindsey Teller said...

Boy do we know what you mean. We've been living on unemployment off and on for the last 7 months and sometimes it feels like we will never be able to provide for ourselves again. I just keep reminding myself of what is said in (I think) "Believing Christ", something like, "Sometmes all that we are asked to do is endure". Sure sucks tho!!