My next-door-neighbor growing up had a huge garden and a complex system of water channels to water it all. He would always get mad at my little brother, his sons, and I for running through his garden and disrupting the flow of water by breaking down the walls that directed the water's flow. At the very back of the garden we had a hole that we would play in and would create our own "aqua ducts" using water siphoned from the garden.
What does this have to do with anything?
I will explain.
My last post mentioned that Maria and I are tired of the rut that we have gotten ourselves into. While this is true, we are exhausted, we too must realize that we created this rut. That may sound like a negative thing but it isn't. In the garden and our hole the ruts served a purpose to save time, improve efficiency, and complete a goal. The rut Maria and I are in is tough but it leads to a better place.
Some people's ruts take them no where. They find themselves stuck in life with no where to go or worse going backwards. School seems like a huge rut right now but I have to remember my goals and where I want to go in life and realize that this rut is necessary to accomplishing these things.
So it is not a bad thing that we find ourselves in a rut - it is necessary for the effective flow of life.
You are so wise to recognize this. I can tell you from experience, that the time you spend preparing for your future is worth it and it passes faster than you realize. You are such a great little family. I really admire what you are doing.
How true your words are! You are moving in the right direction! The rut will not last much longer and you will be so glad that you finished school!
We admire you both so much. It seems that some of the biggest and hardest trials in life turn out to be the biggest blessings. So hand in there and as my Dad used to say "This too will come to pass." Thank goodness it doesn't come to stay. Right? We love you.
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