Today I made myself two hoagies that Dr. Huckstable would have been envious of. I placed my sandwiches on the table grabbed some chips and started to fill my cup of water when Maria called. I leaned against the counter and talked to her for a while during which time Davis began to scream bloody murder.
With Maria still on the phone I picked him up and got whiff of what was making him so upset. I took him into his room and put him on the changing table and began to remove his diaper. When I realized that I was going to need two hands to clean up this mess I let Maria go and finished up. I washed my hands and returned to my very patient sandwiches.
I was just finishing the second sandwich when I looked down at the sandwich and noticed something on my thumb nail (on the hand holding the sandwich!). A closer examination revealed that I had not washed my hands well enough and my nail had been painted in Davis' poop!
A horrible end to what had promised to be an enjoyable lunch.
oh my gosh...i still can't stop laughing! This is a classic story...thanks for the laugh! Much needed!
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