Friday, August 1, 2008


I just got off the phone with Shannon, our realtor. She said that Diane, our escrow officer, is in with the sellers signing as we speak. Once finished she has a runner sitting by (her daughter) who is going to take everything to the Pinal County Recorders Office. Once that is done we will be able to begin moving in!!

Tonight Maria and I are going to go out to the house and are going to begin carpet cleaning. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we are going to begin cleaning and moving in. We have so many people who have offered to help and we appreciate that so much. (Maria said that everyone's generosity almost made her cry at work today)

Those who are in town and willing to help, if you could meet us at our condo any time between 5am and 6am, we will load everything that's left her in the house into the trucks. Those who are in Queen Creek and willing to help if you could bring any cleaning supplies you have (cleaner, rags, vacuum, etc) and meet us at the house anytime after about 7:30 we think we could whip this out in no time.

Again thank you to everyone who has offered to help. Thank you also to those who have already helped along the way. We are so excited and cant wait to have you all out for dinner sometime real soon!!


Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

well i will miss you guys in sunday school have fun in your new house with the new baby! ( that you should bring to church sometime when you have it so i can see him!) by the way this is hallie

Jann said...

Very exciting news. I wish I could help too. I'm a little too far away. So pictures please, when you can.