Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Close to Closing

Debra, our absolutely amazing mortgage lady, said that we could be signing today!! If that is the case we could start moving in as soon as tomorrow (we have to wait for it to record after signing).

This process has run so quickly and it is thanks to so many different people including our realtor Shannon Railsback of First USA and her partner in crime Maredith Whatcott, Debra Castor of iMortgage, also a huge thanks to Dave Capshaw of Pillar to Post Home Inspections and to many others who have helped along the way.

We are so excited and cant wait to begin making our house a home! We'll let you all know as soon as we find out.

1 comment:

Jann said...

Oh, very exciting. I can't wait to see pictures of what you do with the place. Congratulations!