Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kickin It With Baby Davis

Today we had our second ultra sound. Davis wasn't very cooperative in that he was face down so we couldn't see his many of his features. However, they were able to get some great pictures of his heart and spleen and stuff. It was amazing to see him moving his little arms and legs around. Tuesday we had an appointment with the Dr. Mcneal and when she tried to listen to his heart with the heart monitor he kept doing round house kicks that would block the sound of his heart.

Davis has been so active lately and is swimming around like a little fish. Jake was actually able to feel him kick for the first time on Monday. That isn't an actual picture of Davis, but it kind of freaks me out at what could come.

Jake has been so amazing. I came home yesterday and the whole house was clean and sparkling. I just spoke to him on the phone a few minutes ago and he was at Kirsten's house cleaning their kitchen so he and Kirsten could go and look at houses. I must be the luckiest woman alive to have such a great husband.


The Hanchetts said...

It's about time you blogged!! You definatly need a girl's touch on the blog site! :)
That's SO exciting that you guys are looking for a house!! Let us know when we can help with cleaning if it's repo or moving or even just an opinion...we'd love to help in any way!

Anonymous said...

Yeah jake is a good husband. Not up to his usual tricks.....haha.

Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

Wow i will send mine over!!! how nice he's a keeper!!!! what a fun picture I can't even imagine if that ever could happen with a foot thats too funny you would have to have a pretty thin stomach lining ha cute though, how fun to feel that first kick! I remember Boyd put headphones accross my stomach with Willie and my whole stmach was a moving around it was fun! any house luck yet?

Anonymous said...

all that cleaning? sounds like jake is starting to nest a little bit :) ian went through the same thing!

i would love to do some maternity picks for you if you guys are interested!!

glad to hear things are going well w/ the pregnancy...such a fun time when little baby starts to move around :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely!! Maria is barely showing right now (most her co-workers still don't know) but maybe in a month or two more.

Jann said...

That picture is weird. I have never seen that on my own body, so do not worry, you probably will not see an actual foot like that, just mostly lumps and bumps.

It is good things are going well. It is very exciting, although I am feeling old being a great aunt many times over, so thanks for that. Just kidding, I love it.

Tammy said...

Hi Maria, First congratulations are in order! I am so happy for you! What a wonderful mommy you will be. It was fun to have you write on my new blog. My sister Kristi started me with this blog and now I have caught the bug. Take care love ya!