Maria and I have been in a bit of a house hunt this last week. The ideas was spurred by a friend of ours who mentioned at church Sunday that we should buy her neighbors house. Unfortunately with owning the condo and not being able to sell it for what we owe on it we can not afford her neighbors house. We have since looked at several homes and have not found exactly what we want, where we want it, and for what we want to pay. Yesterday I went with our realtor, Shannon (who we love and adore and will refer to anyone!) and registered at some new build sales offices in Queen Creek...
I loved some of the homes and think Maria will too which scares me just a bit. I don't want to live in QC and dread the thought of commuting. Our gas expense will double or triple and our time on the road will be horrible. But... I can get a 2,400 square foot home for less than $175,000!!! (with $10,000 - $12,000 in incentives)
Some of the pros and cons that I see are:
- Big home for little money
- Closer to John & Kelly, Lara and Todd, Jennifer, Mike & Sarah, my parents new home, and others
- Queen Creek
- The long drive
- Close to the above mentioned people (distance is good sometimes)
- Gas prices
- Requires more time away from Davis (40hrs a week at work and 10 hours a week going and coming from work)
- Far from friends here in town (Katy & Lyle, Carrie & Tim, our wonderful ward, and of course Rod, Rob and Robert AKA Bobby, Buddy & Doc)
We have some ideas how we can take and turn some of the cons into pros (i.e. leave a vehicle parked at condos and carpool in and out to QC) but need some more ideas, convincing thoughts(to stay in town or go to QC), and want to hear from you on the situation.
What do you think we should do and why?
would be a long drive to your daycare provider!!!!! keep looking QC is way out there and your family ward will miss you guys!
your parents new home? are they moving to the valley??
They are buying what they call a "landing pad". For example:
My dad came down today and is headed back tomorrow. He is then returning again on Tuesday and headed back shortly after.
They come down all the time and are tired of staying in thier travel trailer or staying with us. They want a place the can stay when they are down here and possibly a place to retire to in the near future.
Lyle and I came across this issue when we were looking. It is very tempting to go out in queen creek becuase of the incentives and the cheaper houses, BUT! What Lyle and I found was that it saves TONZ of time and gas. Also there's tonz of costruction in QC so yes it will eventually be nice but you not only have to worry about the traffic on the free ways but for the next few years until it's done you will be spending tonz in construction traffic. Really, you will be saving MORe by buying a home in town than going out and paying for a cheaper house.
ALSO!! You and Maria have mentioned about graduating and then possibly moving in the next few years. My friend in QC bought a house out there and then had to move three or four months later...since so many houses were being built our there, it's impossible for her to sell. They paid 194,000 on their home and now they are asking for 109,000 and it's still not if you are sure you will be here for a while I think it's better to be in the city where there is a better demand.
I think you need to pray about it. Everyone is going to have there oppinion on why you should or shouldn't. I can' think of lots to do it, and I can think of lots to not do it. But what it comes down to is, is it right for your guy's situation. Really the drive is not that bad. And the infrastructure is coming along nicely. There are a lot of buisnesses that are coming in. From what I have heard things are just as hard for people in town as well as out. So it is all in how you look at it. I think that people are going to have oppinions and some biased ones as well. You just have to pray and maybe fast about, see if all the pros weigh out the cons and where you want to be in the future. I am sure you guys will do what is best for you and your situation. Good Luck! It would be fun to have you guys closer!
That is a tough one. I hate spending time in my car, but that is just me. I liked the suggestion to pray about it. You will know what to do. We could always tell when we were in the house we were supposed to buy. It just felt right, and worked out right.
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