Maria and I went to have an ultrasound performed today. As we pulled up to the doctors office I was very nervous and excited. After being checked in Maria and I went into the exam room and began the ultra sound. The doctor said, and we could see, that Cletus the Fetus was not wanting to cooperate, Cletus was all bundled up taking a nap. The doctor suggested drinking water and moving around for a bit.
After about ten minutes the doctor tried again and it was successful! She was able to take measurements of the head, heart, and all major organs. Towards the end she pointed out a nub and said there's his penis. We're having a boy!!
Maria and I are sooo excited!! No more It, Cletus, mass of tissue, or parasite, we now have a little boy! Davis Cole to be specific!
55% Guessed right! (55% of those votes were probably Lara's though!)
Wonderful news I'm so happy for you both. I realy like the namw you've chosen
Congratulations. What wonderful news. I love the name too.
This is stephen and andrea...aww congrats we are so excited for your guys! we cant wait till our little boys can hang out!!!
Congrats to you guys. I knew it would be. I just had a feeling. John and I are excited for you guys. I can't wait to meet the little guy. Love you guys tons!
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