Beth tagged us...
Four jobs I've had:
1. Lama Poop Shoveler (Jake)
2. IGA Cashier (Jake)
3. YMCA (Maria)
4. Davis Plumbing (Maria)
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Dolores Claiborne (Jake)
2. Jeremiah Johnson (Maria)
3. Cool Hand Luke (Jake)
4. Meet the Fockers (Maria)
Four places I've lived:
1. SJ, AZ (Jake)
2. Caracas, Venezuela (Jake)
3. QC, AZ (Maria)
4. Maracaibo, Venezuela (Maria)
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Flavor of Love I, II, III (Jake)
2. American Gladiator (Jake)
3. The Office (Maria)
4. Ace of Cakes (Maria)
Four places I've been:
1. Paris (Jake)
2. Trinidad (Maria)
3. Niagara Falls (Jake)
4. San Juan, PR (Maria)
Four people who email me regularly:
1. Spammers (Both)
2. Maribel (Jake)
3. Our crazy Realtor (Both)
4. Grandma Davis (Maria)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Poppy Seed Cake (Maria)
2. Fettuccine Alfredo (Maria)
3. Arepas (Jake)
4. Post Almond Crunch (Jake)

Four places I would love to visit:
1. Dubai (Maria)
2. Brazil (Jake)
3. Montana (Maria)
4. Tonga (Jake)
Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:
1. The baby (Maria... and Jake)
2. Graduating College (Maria)
3. Getting closer to finishing school (Jake)
4. Vacation with the boys this summer
Four friends I'm tagging:
Jen (Maria)
Kirsten (Maria)
Kelly (Jake)
Spence (Jake... Got to make you blog somehow!!)
Four jobs I've had:

1. Lama Poop Shoveler (Jake)
2. IGA Cashier (Jake)
3. YMCA (Maria)
4. Davis Plumbing (Maria)
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Dolores Claiborne (Jake)
2. Jeremiah Johnson (Maria)
3. Cool Hand Luke (Jake)
4. Meet the Fockers (Maria)
Four places I've lived:
1. SJ, AZ (Jake)
2. Caracas, Venezuela (Jake)
3. QC, AZ (Maria)

4. Maracaibo, Venezuela (Maria)
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Flavor of Love I, II, III (Jake)
2. American Gladiator (Jake)
3. The Office (Maria)
4. Ace of Cakes (Maria)
Four places I've been:
1. Paris (Jake)
2. Trinidad (Maria)
3. Niagara Falls (Jake)
4. San Juan, PR (Maria)

Four people who email me regularly:
1. Spammers (Both)
2. Maribel (Jake)
3. Our crazy Realtor (Both)
4. Grandma Davis (Maria)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Poppy Seed Cake (Maria)
2. Fettuccine Alfredo (Maria)
3. Arepas (Jake)
4. Post Almond Crunch (Jake)

Four places I would love to visit:
1. Dubai (Maria)
2. Brazil (Jake)
3. Montana (Maria)
4. Tonga (Jake)
Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:
1. The baby (Maria... and Jake)
2. Graduating College (Maria)
3. Getting closer to finishing school (Jake)
4. Vacation with the boys this summer

Four friends I'm tagging:
Jen (Maria)
Kirsten (Maria)
Kelly (Jake)
Spence (Jake... Got to make you blog somehow!!)
Hey, you added pictures! It took me a bit, had to reread some of the answers, to figure out why there was a map of Trinidad and Tobago on here and, of course, I haven't a clue what pictures 1, 2 and 4 are all about - guessing something to do with movies. Either way, a bit of color for the list. :-)
Pic. 1 is a lama (Question 1) Pic.2 is a picture of Jeremiah Johnson, one of Maria's all time favorite movies and a must see for everyone, and Pic. 4 is Flava Flaaaaaaavvvvv!!! Flavor of Love Season 1.
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