Monday, May 26, 2008

Duct Tape Creations Continued

Here are some pics of the wallet or "clutch" as I guess they are called I made for Maria today. Hers took a bit longer but has more detail too. It is bigger and has two pockets and space for ten cards. It also has two metal snaps that hold it closed. Maria had yellow, red, white, chrome, blue and regular gray to pick from and opted for the gray. She also wanted the green camo instead of the pink.


Jann said...

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Jake you have so many talents! Hey you should start doing orders, i would like an apron for work! haha!

Anonymous said...

ian wants a new hairline made of duct tape....

Ogie said...

I'll be waiting for a red one!!! Very creative and cool.

Larry and Megan said...

Hey Jacob! I was so glad to see your comment. I do have my hands full, but I love being a mom:) I am so excited for you to be having a boy! They are lots of fun. I love the ducktape artwork. I want one so... I think that you should make a cool pink one for me. It might have been a mistake to post your talent cause a lot of people might want the neat things you make. You are amazing and your wife is beautiful! I am serious about a pink wallet!