Sunday, May 25, 2008

Duct Tape Creations

Back in the day I was big into duct tape everything. I made wallets, book covers, scripture bags, ties, and more. For a high school dance I made a friend a 3 piece duct tape suit and a bubble wrap dress for his date, both had corsages made with duct tape roses.

That came to an end for the most part when I left for my mission, so I thought. When I got to the MTC and word about my duct tape scriptures got out several missionaries asked me to make covers for them. One missionary even had his brother throw bags of duct tape over the fence for him. Most of my personal time was spent at my desk making duct tape crap for everyone.

When I got to Venezuela I still had several rolls of tape in a variety of colors. All my companions would ask me to make stuff for them and I kept turning them down. I finally decided to just throw the unused rolls
in a closet and leave them behind.

Last night Lara was complaining about her wallet and how much she hates it. I told her that I could make her one however she wants it out of duct tape. I had a brand new roll of tape out in the truck but she wanted something blinged-out! We went to Wal-Mart and out of the 10 or more colors to choose from she chose the chrome colored tape.

We came back home and Maria, Lara, and Jennifer put in "Nacho Libre" and I sat at the table and began my work. By the end of the movie I had finished her wallet. It has slots for 8 credit cards, each lined with pink camo fabric, and two large pockets for receipts and money. Maria and Jen both asked for wallets and Jen even asked for a matching purse. Lets see how long this will continue before I either get burnt out or begin charging!


Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Sweet wallet! I can't wait to put all of my crap in it!!!! I told you the bling looks amazing.

Jann said...

A man of many talents. This is really funny. Especially the entire dress and suit picture at the top. Amazing.