Friday, April 11, 2008

Video of Scout Camp 2007

I came across this video today that a friend had helped me make for a court of honor (COH) shortly after scout camp last year. Unfortunately the COH kept getting pushed further and further back for a variety of reasons and during that time Maria and I moved wards so the boys nor their parents ever got to see this.

Watching it reminds me how much I miss that ward and being a part of their scouting program. It was a ton of work being scoutmaster but I also had a ton of fun doing it!

PS - My friend and I were up until after midnight the night before the originally scheduled COH working on this, because of being so rushed there are a few gramatical errors and misspellings but fortunatly they are all in Spanish so few of you can call me out on them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jacob, I just love this video. I am so proud of you and the good works you undertake and I just know these boys will always remember you and the time you gave to them. You and Rod did a great job on the video production, too. Way to go guys!