Monday, April 14, 2008

Un-Happy Birthday!

Last year I had to work on Maria's birthday. I was supposed to have the night off but the tyrant who employed me last year made me stay late for reasons that I no longer remember (ten bucks says Maria remembers though). All I remember is Maria being very upset and sad that I could not celebrate with her. I am sure it was even made worse that she had such a huge part in making my birthday months earlier one of the best in my life, and I could not even be there for hers.

I did what I could and met up with the group late at El Paso and tried to make the night as enjoyable as I could but most the damage had already been done by that time.

This year I was wanting to redeem myself and do something really special for her.

Today I began my thinking and planning a bit when I discovered the worst possible scenario. Maria and I are both supposed to work that day until 5 pm and then I have a final scheduled from 5:40 pm until 8:30 pm!

What am I supposed to do now! I can't do nothing but at the same time I can't possibly miss a final! If you have any ideas call me (that way I can take credit for the idea without Maria knowing!) I can't be in the dog house again this year!

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