Friday, April 25, 2008

Hurtful betrayal of an old friend...

On the way home from class, with the needle indicating empty, I had to stop and get some gas.

Hungry, I entered Wolverine Conoco looking for something to hold me over through the night. When I saw an old friend.

Wandering up and down the isles, avoiding each other, I contemplated the consequences of reuniting myself with such a friend.

Our past was behind us, and the termination of our relationship was not intentional-- it was more of a gradual forgetting of one another as time crawled by.

Nervous, I built up the courage and walked over and extended my hand in a welcoming gesture.

The reunion was as sweet as it was bitter. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together - and as usual it was my mouth that did most the moving.

It was not long after the old friend was gone that I began to feel the pain and regret.

I left that gas station with exactly what I had stopped for...

Oh bean and cheese microwave burrito, old friend, how could you do this to me?


Anonymous said...

hey jake thanks for the info about the fliers...i have been looking for a local printer...also thanks for the shout out on your blog, under photo studio...
its actually

so do you guys know the gender of the little one yet? hope everything is going well for you guys!

Michael said...

Hey Jake, I have to meet you someday, I crack up reading about the objects Nachos swallows or trying to guess how many hours you go without seeing Maria, etc. Keep up the funnies!

Jann said...

OH what a very sad post. The things those old friends do to us.