Monday, April 28, 2008

Baby update...

Not too much has changed, at least from my perspective. Maria continues to take care of her self and is doing her best to ensure that we have a healthy baby. A while back I wrote about our baby to be being the size of a lime (click here for a reminder) and am proud to announce that our little guy (or gal) has surpassed the lemon stage and is now an apple!!

I am still confused why the prego sites relate your unborn child to fruits and vegetables. It is essentially the other side of the same coin that Aunt Jann presented in her blog regarding naming the plants in your garden that you will ultimately be faced to eat.
This was further illustrated at the grocery store when Maria and I came across an 'ultra sound,' if you will, of our little one... How am I to enjoy another glass of lemon aide after seeing this?

1 comment:

Jann said...

Jake, you crack me up. Love the ultra sound picture. HAHA.