A few months ago I got some readers a bit upset at my post titled "National Do-Not-Call (for a good time) List it appears that I have again made at least one reader upset with the post Pregnant and Camping.
In January I vented a bit because several people who committed to go the movies with us canceled the morning of or just did not show up. This is now being compared to my and Maria's decision to have Maria go to SJ with her sisters as opposed to camping with my family.
It is true that we too are in some degree flaking out, but is it the same? I mean the post made several days in advance, but was a general post sufficient or should we have called? Most everyone "affected" (in quotes because I see little affect to others by our decision - worse case scenario I'll eat Maria's share of the food that was bought so none is wasted) reads our blog semi-regularly. But still a phone call may have been appropriate, but necessary?
Maybe we should all work together and establish rules of etiquette when canceling plans. Post your ideas of appropriate time frames/notice, appropriate/inappropriate methods of communication, exceptions to rules, good/bad excuses, etc. Feel free to comment several times if you think of different rules.
It should be interesting to see what we come up with!
I know it is lame to be the first comment on your own post but I just thought that maybe we could also include a list of blogable topics and non-blogable topics (what is appropriate in a blog format and what isn't?)
Blog it what the heck!! I like seeing what is going on whether I am invited or not. Only kidding about being invited not blogging. Love ya
Good luck with that.
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