Sunday, January 20, 2008

National Do Not Call (for a good time) List!

Saturday Maria and I planned a really fun activity for family and friends. Maria's cousin Jennifer told us about a restaurant that shows a full length, box-office, movie while you eat! It is called Farrelli's Cinema Supper Club in Scottsdale, AZ. It was a really nice restaurant with a wide variety of foods (from $8.00 - $25.00 a plate) and a great atmosphere. We watched Dan in Real Life and ate great food.

The point of this blog, however, is not to share the wonderful experience we had, but to complain a bit. After calling several friends and family members we had 16 people who said for sure they would go and a couple others who told us maybe. Maria called and made reservations for those who said they would be there for sure. We were so excited to have a large group of our friends together for a fun time.

Saturday came and everyone was supposed to meet us at our house for carpooling to the theater at 11am. As 11am approached the phone began to ring off the hook with people flaking-out on us. Even worse though were those who did not bother to call and left us waiting on them. When all was said and done only 7 people came!

I propose that we begin a National Do Not Call -for a good time- List! Let's begin a list of those people that have just blown us off too many times and who we have just decided not to call again.


Kelly Boyle said...

a little bitter, how do you really feel? at least you had a good time right?

Anonymous said...

I agree! I wish more people realized how rude it is to tell friends they will attend an event, and then just not show up! Think about all the seats that Farrelli's could have sold, but instead, these people just didn't show up!

There were many more people affected by those who didn't show up then just the fact that the "hostess" had a good time!!

More people need to "Do what they say the will do" - if they did, the world would be a much better place!

Mary - who goes to Farrelli's all the time!

Anonymous said...

Ya blogs are to show your bitterness towards the world and especially being rude to people that love you. And apology doesn't count?

Rusty and Ashley said...


Hola from your favorite senor at work. My wife had me look at her blog so I thought I would say hello.

Later, Rusty

Test Account said...

Hey hope you get this. Im feeling alot better but still on bed rest it's really not fun being this sick. Just glad nothing is wrong with the baby:) I love your dog he is so cute Stanley and nacho need a play date someday.

Test Account said...

Hey hope you get this. Im feeling alot better but still on bed rest it's really not fun being this sick. Just glad nothing is wrong with the baby:) I love your dog he is so cute Stanley and nacho need a play date someday.

Jann said...

I totally would have come. This sounds like so much fun.