- Replaced blower
- New brake pads
- Fixed parking break cable
- Bolted down the battery
- Re-bolted fuel filter (both the battery and the pump must have rattled loose on a rabbit hunt)
- Replaced the timing belt (the loose battery had fallen on one of the belts and began to wear a whole in the battery and deteriorate the belt)
- Replaced coolant pump (which was leaking on the torque hinge of the timing belt)
- Removed and cleaned corrosion of earlier mentioned hinge
- Replaced water seals and radiator hoses
- General tune-up of other components
I think that was everything. I may add to the list when I see the receipt. Speaking of receipt... this is costing us a very pretty penny so if any one is interested I have a kidney and a pint of plasma for sale on Craig's List - check it out.
that sucks guys. Hey at least you are getting everything fixed! that must be a good feeling? Are your taking it to gunnells? or that guy where lara and todd got their car fixed? Well goodluck! ANd I love the background Maria! Alot better than jakes background. Love ya and see ya tomorrow!
In case anyone is wondering, we took our truck to Troy's Del Rio Auto in Mesa, AZ. We are very happy with the work and would recomend this shop to anyone interested.
I HATE car issues. It just feels like you are throwing your money away on something not fun. I'm glad you got it all fixed up.
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