As of October 18, 2009 Jake finished his last class for the Bachelors of Science in Business Administration at Walden University. We won't be attending commencement in Dallas, TX in January but this does not negate the fact of how excited we are that Jake has finished. Jake has accomplished a heavy and crazy load of classes since starting in January. He took about 24 semester credit hours every two months. He was able to get through over 2 years of curriculum in a little less than 10 months by taking more than double the recommended classes per quarter. I can witness this took many hours of study and devotion on his part. There were many days that I would come home from work, Jake would hand off Davis, and then go straight to the office and study till late into the night. I am amazed that he was able to do this while being a wonderful full time Dad, husband, cook, and house keeper. Eventually when I am a stay at home Mom I will have big shoes to fill. Talking about the role reversal Jake mentioned that we have had the unique opportunity to understand one another's frustrations, struggles, and accomplishments when it does come time to switch it up. What a blessing this will be to us as a couple.
Today Jake actually started back at Vanguard for a temporary position during tax season. It will be nice because the position will allow him resources to actively look for a job while he is there. It is our hope that he will be able to find something that will allow him to gain experience and eventually the opportunity for me to stay home with the kiddies. I am so grateful for the sacrifices that Jake has made to earn his degree. It has been a hectic and very expensive venture and he will more than likely start the Masters degree shortly to defer loans. :) I know this investment in his future will pay off in the long run especially when there upturn in the economy.
There have been so many people that have been an integral part of Jake's success. Thank you Karen and Mike for always supporting Jake's decision to do the bachelors degree and for the financial support with tuition. Thank you Karen, Mom, Kelly, Lara, Katie, Karen, and Kirsten for all of the help and especially with watching Davis during these past few months as well... we could not have gotten through this without you.
Jake, I am so proud of you and all your efforts! Thank you for being the man of my dreams!
Way to go Jake! That is so awesome. What an accomplishment! And I love that you were a stay at home dad.
High Five jake! that is quite the accomplishment! I earn my degree december 18th! Can't wait! Congrats!
Congratulations Jake. Awesome job.
Thats great Jake, we should have a party to celibrate since your not going to your graduation.
awesome newsjake!!congratulations!!
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