Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Going Nuts in Primary!

Maria and I bought a bag of M&M's for our primary class Saturday - we used them as bribery during the Primary Program (it worked!). We did this a while ago and just keep the large one pound bag in the backpack and every Sunday we would give the kids 5-10 each depending on their behavior. It worked really well for several weeks. Yesterday Davis got into the backpack and started pulling things out including the bag of M&M's. Rather than putting them back in the bag and zipping it up I put the M&M's on the counter. By the end of the night they were almost entirely gone! The last few remaining morsels of chocolate goodness continue to sit on the counter taunting me (I even tasted them on Maria's breath when I kissed her good-bye this morning - she has fallen to temptation too!).

While at the store today they had the large fall bins of mixed nuts. I grabbed a bag and started to shovel the nuts in. Before I knew it I had four pounds costing me ten bucks. I thought I had gone overboard but then I remembered that the one pound bag of M&M's cost me $5.25. So now a healthier choice sits on the counter taunting me - just hope our primary class likes nuts.


Spence said...

Good choice for a healthy alternative! I can't have stuff on the counter either. M&Ms just beg to be eaten until gone.

Grandma Esther said...

We're right there with you. M&Ms are our favorite and are not safe in our house. Good for you in getting nuts for a better alternative. Love you.