Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Boy Likes His Pizza!

It's meals like this that make me wish shower drains had garbage disposals.


Lyndsay Winters said...

I think you've got a good idea going there! Why shouldn't they!? And Davis is one cute pizza eater.

Jann said...

That is one serious pizza eater. He looks just great.

Anonymous said...

so cute. seriously you guys have great pictures of him. he is so adorable!

Ellen Rae said...

It's always good to enjoy your food. He looks contented with himself. How cute he is!

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Dadis is so freakin cute... he definately takes after his mama!

Anonymous said...

Showers wih disposals would be sweet... you could shower and poop at the same time and be all fresh and clean out of the shower. Hopefully no clogging up the disposal though