Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jayd n

Maria and I went to looking for yard sale deals yesterday and came a pair of cribs. We bought both of them, one for our little girl and one that we were not sure what to do with. We had our car and so I went and asked Quentin, who lived just around the corner from the yard sale, if we could use his truck. He came along for the ride and he asked what we needed two cribs for. I said that we could give one away when it hit me - Quentin and Felicia need a crib!

It would be nice if it just ended there but it didn't. Quentin said he was going to clean out his room to make room for the crib. I said since you are cleaning out the room we should go a head and throw some paint up. He said he did not have any money to buy paint and I told him I had some left over gray from our front room. My parents had all the painting supplies and we went to Home Depot to buy an accent color and above is the result.

Additional Commentary:

They were all out of E's at Hobby Lobby.

My mom just about had a heart attack when I sent her the above picture of Quentin painting the pink stripe and asked her "What do you think of your new living room?" (Quentin is living at her house her in STV)

The lady at Home Depot's face was priceless when she opened the paint can and saw the color that us two guys were buying. She was lying when she said - "that's a nice color."

Quentin started to have an anxiety attack when we first started putting the pink on the walls. The pictures do not do the pink justice.

The lady who sold us the cribs lost the hardware and we did not realize til we got home with the now useless pieces of wood. Hope we can find something at the hardware store.

In the end it turned out really well and I think Felicia and Jayden are all going to love it.


Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

That looks like a cute crib. i am curious to see what your new one looks like. What are you guys going to do about the recalled crib?

Jen said...

I really hope that they are having a girl. I does look nice from the pitchers. Did you guys picket a name for your baby girl yet?

The Chambers said...

cute cute cute! I LOVE the pink stripe. I haven't seen Quentin in YEARS! tell him hi next time you see him.

Jann said...

I love the pink too. Very cute.