Friday, August 14, 2009

Get off our back HOA!

Maria and I have not had much luck with HOAs in the last couple of days but I won't get into a lot of those details. I will though let you know that they have gotten on us about our tree and a dead bush in our front yard (sorry Jen, your plant just did not make it!). I trimmed the tree and hauled the clippings to the dump but we don't have another plant to plant in place of the dead one so I came up with a great idea... Spray Paint. We had a ton left over from Davis' room so I thought I would put it to good use.

Check out the before and afters:

Brought new life into this plant and hopefully will get the HOA off our backs for a little while.


Jen said...

You are so funny, but if it works it works

Ogie said...

Looks great. How creative.

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

What kind of crap comment was that on our blog? You don't want a girl??

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

By the way... your spray painted plant is way white trash.

The Chambers said...

haha i cannot stop laughing. This is a brilliant idea. I am going to buy some for my red bush that is dying...I wonder if I can pull it off?!

Jann said...

I am laughing my head off. You spray painted the bush. That is just completely funny. James calls our HOA the Nazi Association.

Jake said...

No need to hate Lara, I have some paint left over I can help touch up your yard too. said...

kudos!!! so funny. so "jake".