This picture makes me laugh. It was actually taken just yesterday before church. Davis is wrapped up in a blanket that was given to him by his Great Grandma Davis and looks like an angel - so peaceful and calm - when in reality he is a wild, crazy, little monster most of the time :) !
Davis playing in his first cardboard box! It is amazing the simple things that keep kids amused. Davis liked crawling through the box, standing and hitting the top and ultimately collapsing it and sitting on it (hence the past tense used "liked crawling through..."). Yerbua came over last night and liked playing with the box too although one time she attempted to crawl through and Davis starting banging on the top of it and she rocketed out of it with a look of panic and fear that made us all laugh.
Maria hates this picture. Davis fell asleep on the floor after drinking a bottle so I grabbed the closest thing to him to use as a blanket which turned out to be Maria's pajama pants. I chuckled to myself and then took a pic to send to Maria - she says it looks "creepy."
The pioneer days in SJ was such an adventure for us all. This picture was taken at the campfire circle. During the short drive from the Wilhelm's to the airport Davis fell asleep. I left him in his car seat and put him in Grandpa Wilhelm's old pick-up where he was close to the action but far enough away to get some Z's.
Many would argue that I am lazy but I like to think of myself as resourceful. My seventh grade teacher, R.K. Udall, on many occasions stressed the need to "work smarter - not harder" (said in the iconic deep, powerful voice that is R.K.). I am glad to see that this quality has been passed down to my son. It is hard to make drinking a bottle any easier but he found a way.
I sleep in that same position.
While on our way into town to meet mommy Davis fell asleep and I forgot the sun visor for his car seat so a dirty plate from the floor boards of the truck had to work. (Stop criticizing me - you would have hated me for letting his head get burned too - I think the saying goes "danged if you do, danged if you don't")
This is one of my favorite pics of Davis! I think it captures who he is and why he makes Maria and I so happy. He is wonderful little boy and the best son any parents could ask for (although my parents might argue otherwise).
I laughed all the way through! He is adorable and you are so creative in documenting these early months for him. Davis will love reading these postings when he gets older! Hapy birthday, Jacob ... and thanks for the gift you've given us on your special day. luvu
i love all these pics!
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