Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just our Luck!

Maria and I have been keeping our eyes out for a new crib and it looks like we might be getting a new one sooner than we thought. Lara called me just a little while ago and said that Davis' crib has been recalled. As you can see in the picture it has some major defects and one baby in TX just died.
Unfortunately the company that makes the crib is out of business (I saw online they have had several recalls in the past - that probably put them under). One article says that retailers may or may not offer refunds or store credit because there is no company to go after for recourse. I think we are going to take our crib to Wal-Mart and see if they will allow us to buy a new one.
(For more info and to see if you have the same crib just google search "crib recall.")


Anonymous said...


The Chambers said...

OH my goodness! That's so scary! I saw something like this on the news yesterday. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I worked for that company. Get a real nice one!

The Chambers said...

umm...ok ...even scarier, the word verification I just got to post that last post... "dienaps" WTH?

Jann said...

That is seriously terrifying.