Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Davis Report

Last night Maria and I went to dinner with some friends. We had a young girl from the ward who is trying to earn money for girls camp come over and watch Davis. We told her that this would be the easiest babysitting gig because Davis is usually in bed by 7:30. We left Davis with the 12 year old babysitter and left. We returned three hours later and found the girls mom at your front door. As we got out of the car she assured us that everything was ok and that her daughter just was not as experienced with babies as she thought she was. We went in and Davis was still wide awake and you could tell he had been crying. Davis was so tired and cranky we felt so bad for the girl she will probably never want to babysit again.

Also in the world of Davis - he is now pulling himself up into a upright standing position. He started today when I left him on the rug in the basement and came back to find him clinging to the side of the ottoman. I have seen him do it two other times since and Maria just yelled that he did it again. I am afraid that he will be walking in no time!!


The Hanchetts said...

Oh! No! That's so sad about the sitter. Well at least we had a good time for Maria's bday dinner. :)

Jann said...

What, a twelve year old? That isn't even legal in Maryland, they have to be 13. I am glad she had the sense to call her mother to help her. I am glad you got a night out though. I am amazed by Davis. He will be walking in no time. I love this picture of him, his eyes look so handsome.

~momstar said...

Okay, so you've learned a lot from that experience. I'm glad you and Maria were able to have a pleasant dinner with friends before learning about the chaos at home! ;-)