With my Birthday and Mother's Day so close together it has been an amazing few days. My Birthday included a yummy dinner at Carrabbas with my Mom, Jake, and Davis. Later we all went over to Lara's house to eat my Mom's famous poppy seed cake. I was very spoiled in the present department as Jake surprised me by getting a memory foam for our mattress and my Mom made me a beautiful and colorful blanket. Mom Boyle sent me a funny card with $. Karen brought over flowers and the promise of 3 babysitting sessions with Davis. G-ma Davis sent me a sweet card and Lara gave me an old navy gift. Jennifer gave me a singing rat and plants for my front yard. Katy and Lyle treated us all to dinner at TGIF Fridays. It was a great birthday!
Mother's Day was just as great as Jake made me omelets with cheese, bacon, and avocado. He also made my favorite dinner--Tortellini! The best part of the my Birthday and Mother's Day was two letters that Jake wrote for me. I wish I had pictures because this really was the BEST WEEK EVER!
Birthday Letter (He actually had this ready in the car for me to open on my way into work, however, I took the truck instead of the car. It was even better since he read it to me over the phone.
May 7, 2009
Babe -
I have found another reason to put off homework...I wanted to let you know how much I love you. I know it is lame that I did not get you a card and that I let you have your gift early so I just wanted to do a little something special (and get you to cry on the way to work!).
You are such an amazing person and I am a very lucky man to have you as a wife. You are so caring, compassionate, sensitive, and selfless. You are an inspiration to me and to many others. I appreciate you very much and am grateful for everything you do for me and our family.
Davis and Timmy the Tadpole could not ask for a better mother. You love them both so much and you are willing to do anything for either one of them. They will surely grow up to be great people as they learn from you and follow your example.
I know that I give you crap about being older but you have to stop thinking of yourself in number of years but in experiences. While you have been many places and had the chance to do many things you are still very young in the fact that you still have so much more to experience in life. I hope to give you the best life possible and that we have the opportunity to see the world together and as a family. The only way that we'll be able to do this is if you continue to love and support me as you have so far in our very young marriage.
It is impossible to put exactly in words just how deep my love for you is. If you had asked me three yeas ago what love is I would have given a completely different answer. I am only now beginning to realize what love is and what a special role it plays in life. I would have a very hard time imagining my life without you. You make me happy - you make me want to be better. I can't wait to grow old with you.
Happy birthday babe - I love you!!
Mother's Day Letter (This was waiting for me in the kitchen when I woke up)
May 10, 2009
Maria my Love,
I am sure that this will not be remembered as the best Mother's Day ever and will probably be forgotten in the many to follow but I wanted to make sure you knew how much I love you. There are few mothers out there who are willing to do as much as you do for your children and for your family. The selfless act of going to work everyday is a sacrifice that you will receive many blessings for. When the day comes that you are able to stay home with our children you will be able to better cherish and appreciate that time. I am so grateful for the time I have now to play "Mommy" and to be with Davis. Don't at any time feel that you are doing the wrong thing by working. Davis is so lucky to have such a great mom and I know he loves you very much. You are an amazing mother to him and are filled with so much love, compassion, and understanding. I love watching the two of you interact and see Davis smile and laugh as he plays with you. I have you to thank for bringing such a beautiful and healthy baby boy into this world. The decisions that you made long ago and the sacrifices you made during pregnancy insured his health and strength. The blessings of your efforts will be enjoyed throughout all of Davis' life. Long before Davis was ever born you were looking out for his well-being and had such a bond of love with him. I am eternally grateful for the things your mother taught you and hope that you will teach the same things to our children so they can grow up to be as wonderful as you. Babe I love you with all of my heart and am looking forward to spending eternity with you and our children.
Happy Mother's Day!
Jake xoxo
OK I actually cried, this was so sweet. Jake you are a wondeful husband and Maria you really are an example to us all. I'm so happy you had such a wonderful week! You deserve it!
These are better than any card. They are such sweet letters. Happy mother's day!
Timmy the tadpole??? When are you due?
Well a bit personal but oh so sweet. Maria, Jacob you each compliment the other so very much. I enjoy spending time with each of you and with the two of you. I am so glad you each had a SJ gal pal to introduce you to each other ... your paths may never have crossed here in little ole SJ on your own!
Daniel isn't a gal pal...
OK now that was sweet, I love all the little things that Jake does for you because you are a very special person and deserve all the kindness and love in this world, Happy Birthday and Mothers Day and thank you for being my truest friend.
Oh, I need to read your blog more often! What a great example you two are of what marriage can really be like. I'm so glad you had a great mother's day and birthday!!
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