Tuesday, April 14, 2009

School Update

Well I just finished up my first of four rounds of four classes every six weeks. Classes ended on Sunday (I was done by Saturday) and the next four started yesterday. I am not looking forward to the next six weeks (or the 12 to follow those) of school. I am so glad to be getting it done and as of right now I will be done with my last class on August 23!!

I want to toot my own horn for a bit (seeing as how no one else will) and let you all know that I basically kicked butt during the last six weeks and got 3 A's and one B. Believe it or not if I can keep up like this I may actually graduate with honors (like you Katy!).

The real reason for tooting my own horn is to thank everyone who has made it possible for me to do as well as I have.

First and foremost: Maria - Maria is such a strength. This girl is so dedicated to family and to me especially. She would do anything for me and I am so lucky to have such a loving and supporting wife.

Secondly: My Parents - If ever a tie for first should exist this would be the case. My parents pushed me to go to the University and the best part they have footed almost all of the bill! Walden U. is so much more expensive than ASU that recently we have taken out student loans but the majority of my education has been an investment by my parents.

Thirdly: Babysitters - Kelly, Lara, Karen, Quentin, Mom, Mom-in-law, Katy, and I am sure many others who I am now forgetting, you have no idea how much it helps to have you guys take Davis for a couple of hours here and there and let me focus on school.

I think that is enough for now if I have mistakenly left you out add your name in a comment!


The Chambers said...

YAY!! congrats on the AWESOME grades...it takes a lot of effort and study time to get good grades. Sounds like things are going well for you and you have the BEST support system around you. Keep up the good work!

Ellen Rae said...

I am so impressed! I took online classes one at a time and it was hard. Way to go.

The Hanchetts said...

That's so awesome Jake! It'd be awesome to have you join the honors club! :) You two keep pushing...you guys are SO awesome and amazing!

Jann said...

Jake, awesome job with the classes. It is a heavy load you are carrying, but will be so worth it. Keep up the great work.

~Momstar said...

Oh my gosh! The facial hair growth between the posts two weeks apart is amazing ... not attractive {wink} but impressive all the same. Your Uncle Jeff would be awed!