Jake and I have both started classes this Monday. I just have to say that I have the most amazing husband in the world. I come home from work and the house is clean, Davis is happy, and dinner is on the table. He is able to do this while getting his 4 classes done. I feel so lucky to have such an caring and thoughtfull husband.
We went up to St. Johns over the weekend and Jake managed to pack his stuff, my stuff, and all of Davis' stuff for our trip. It was a great trip seeing both my family and Jake's family. The kicker is when we came home I found 30 foam hearts on the bed each one containing something that Jake loves about me. I don't know what I did to deserve Jake but feel so blessed to have him in my life.
I Love you Jake!
That is so wonderful, Maria! You surely deserve all the love you're getting, and Jake is equally lucky!
I am just setting my expectations for when the roles are reversed!!
Thanks babe.
That's awesome! I hope Glen is that amazing when we have kids... He does it now, but with a kid... I guess we'll have to wait and see.
What a sweet husband! That is so great that he makes you feel so important!
You are definitely blessed with a great man! I would vote for Jake if he was in a Mr. Mom contest.
We had fun seeing you guys in SJ too!
That is so sweet, I like how he is always surprising you with things.
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