Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Thank you for calling Vanguard this is Jacob Boyle..."

I don't think I ever updated everyone on my new job. I have now completed my first two of five weeks of training at Vanguard. Basically I'm a telephone banker for stock and mutual fund accounts. Normally this position would require licenses but I am actually employed by a temp agency called Randstad. Vanguard hires a bunch of talent for their busy tax season through this temp agency and then they offer full time salary positions to those they like. I am contracted through the end of April, at that point they may offer me a full time position if they like me (and if I like them).

Right now I work 8:30am - 5:00pm, after training I will work 11:30am - 8:00pm. I took only a small pay cut but nearly doubled my weekly hours and have greater stability.

Although I am really liking this new job I am open to other job opportunities. The drive for me right now is a bit painful (52 miles one way!).


Sarah said...

That is a LONG way to drive! I hope you can find something closer than that!

Jann said...

Wow, that is a huge commute. I am glad you found work.

AndresD said...

I didnt understand what is ur new job! but FELICITACIONES! a job is a job! and 52 miles sounds like 100 km!