Davis is now one week old. I told Maria just a little while ago that that was hard for me to believe, she said that it was not too difficult for her to believe.
The last week has proven to be challenging, rewarding, tiring and fun. Here are a few things that I have learned or discovered during the last seven days:
1) You are never ready for a baby - I am sure everyone would agree with me on this, no one is ever completely ready for a baby when they do come around. Maria and I thought we were pretty well prepared until we remembered that we had not bought any new born sized diapers. The ones supplied at the hospital did not last us very long and we found ourselves asking a brother-in-law pick some up for us.
2) Somewhat related to number one is: Babies poo and pee a lot! - And on everything and everyone. Davis has deadly aim with his little thing and is not afraid to use it!
3) Sleep - Stock up before having a child, you'll miss it.
4) Motherly Instincts - They are real!! Maria seems to be a natural. As I type I hear her in the other room singing to him and it is the most beautiful thing I have seen or heard. Maria is such a good mother and I am so lucky to have her as the mother of my children.
5) Breasts - This word used to be taboo but is now daily conversation in our home and with extended family. We had a friend call to check on Maria's boobs and to see if her milk has "come in" (see number 6).
6) Come In - Where was it? This phrase sounds so funny to me. I am still waiting for a text book I bought online to come in but no one seems to care.
7) Get Rich Fast - Maria and I finally got all our money in from the insurance company for our basement. After a couple minutes of long hard thought I have decided to invest it into a start up company that does not yet exist to see if we can get rich quick and not have to work ever again in our lives. I'm still game if you are Christine...
8) Burp Chair - I already have plans to get rich quick but if you want to do the same I have a great idea. Invent a baby chair that burps the baby. Ingenious, right? That's why they call me the 'Idea Guy'.
9) The House - Keeping on the theme of investments, I am happy with the one we made on our new house. It was so nice to have the extra room to have family over, to escape from visiting family, and to rest when we needed to.
10) 935 - The number of weeks we have until Davis turns 18 and is out of the house!! It is crazy to think that we are completely responsible for him until then.
LOVE IT! Everything is so true! And being a parent is a continuous learning process! That is the sweetest thing to say about Maria's motherly instincts! You ARE lucky to have her as the mother of your children! She will be a fabulous and FUN mother!
Congratulations! He is so handsome! Having babies is so much fun!
This was so fun to read. It takes me back. Funny about the diapers.
See what I said about never being a dull moment before DC will prove that you will NEVER know the meaning of DULL moment again. A week old already and no updated pictures?! I am sure he is changing daily as he settles into his new environment. I am sure there are lots of folks that would love to see a picture of him in is crafty room.
jejejejjejeje parece que eres muy bueno escribiendo! no haz pensado hacerte rico escribiendo_?
ya se acerca la primera navidad del bebe! eso si va a ser divertido! Todo el mundo regalandole cosas!
y lo del 935 quedo excelente!
ah so much fun, I think Cindy (Boyle) and I want to drive out, I want to see the little baby.... i need to call for your address, she can't remember how to get there...
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