Davis Cole Boye was born today October 21, 2008 at 10:24 am. He weighs 7lbs 1 oz and is 20.5 inches long. He is the cutest baby! Here is some pictures of our beautiful little baby. Sorry these pictures are a little hazy. Thats cell phones for ya! But we will have some more pics later!:)
aaahhh!! i want to photograph this little fella!! too cute!! congratulations you guys!! parenthood is the best!! hope you are getting lost of rest :)
ps: do i get a door prize for guessing that little davis was going to arrive today? (ps: its our anniversary today as well! very cool!)
Congratulations! We are so happy for you! Baby Davis is a cutie, I can't wait to meet him!
finally!!! I love him he is so dang cute.i cant wait to meet him. I hope everything went well.
Love you guys and congrats!!!!!!!!!!
oh what a beautiful baby you have, he even was lucky to have some hair, mine were all bald... How are you feeling Maria? can't wait to see him, I am sure he will be a good baby for you..
He is wide awake and looks nice and calm! What an experience to go through, huh! He is a doll with spikey hair, none-the-less! Congrats to you both!
Congratulations you guys, He is beautiful. I can't wait to see more of him.
Afton Rogers Elam
Feliciataciones!! que bebe tan grande, es super bello, claro gracias a Maria, jajaa. Hey Jake cual es el numero de tu cell que andres es el que lo tiene y no se cuando hable con el.
Por fa escribelo en el facebook.
De nuevo felicitaciones.
Un abrazoo para todos.
wow! Davis looks like you Jake...right off the bat!
I have been checking your blog each day. What a wonderful surprise. Now the fun begins! He is darling! Enjoy it all!!
Congratulations!!! You thought you never had a dull moment before you are in for the time of your life now. He is beautiful and I am so happy for you guys. Can't wait to start seeing all the great pictures that you guys will be taking. Love ya
YIPPEE! He is just amazing and handsome. We are cheering from Maryland. Love you guys!
BABY is at home!!
hey papa y mama! congratulation! the baby is a beutifull alien! just kidding! he is so cute i want to eat it too!
a big hug!
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