Friday, October 10, 2008

Almost there...10 day count down

Last Monday Jake and I (probably more me) were completely bummed that I hadn't made any more progress from the 1 centimeter dialated and the 60% effacement from the week before. I have had so much advice from friends and co-workers on what I need to do to naturally induce early. I waddle around my building here at work everyday and while some of it has been fun and great it has done nothing in getting Davis here quicker. Every day I go back to work I hear, "What are you still doing here?" at least 30 times a day. It is getting old.

For the past few weeks I have to go to Labor & Delivery at the hospital twice a week to do testing. This week I have spent between about 3 hours each of those two days doing this after work. Needless to say I am tired and just want my little boy to get here. Jake has been amazing. He has finished Davis' room and I can't tell you how much I love it! He is so creative and I love to just go in there and sit in the room. My favorite is the tin wall with the wooden trim around the window. I’ll have him put some of the new pictures up on the blog, but really anyone who wants to see needs to come by and check it out. The pictures don’t do it justice.

When I get home from work or the hospital Jake has dinner ready for me. He has been cleaning and getting everything ready for the new baby and still finds time to beat the streets in trying to find a new job. One thing I am know for sure is that Jake is not a lazy individual. He has to constantly be doing something or he goes crazy. I am so impressed with his efforts and his support. I love you so much Jake! Thank you for making these last few weeks easier for me.


Anonymous said...


Thanks Babe!

I feel so bad seeing you get up every morning before the sun to go to work. You are such an amazing and selfless person. I wish you didn't have to do as much as you do. I too can't wait for little Davis to come and might have some secrets up my sleeve to help induce tonight...

Christy said...


I am excited for you guys! I hope that lil' tyke gets out soon. :) And all those questions can stop!

Jann said...

The last little bit is the worst. Grandma Davis always says, the last month of pregnancy, is so the woman will do anything to get that baby out. I happen to agree.

I can't wait for Davis to get here.