Gasolina: $120
Entrada al Parque Nacional: $25 por carro
Comida para el viaje: $75
La oportunidad a ver el Gran Canyon por la primera
vez con mis amigos Venezolanos: sin precio!
Well as I have mentioned a time or two before, two friends from Caracas Venezuela are coming and will be staying with us for a week. It is only a small part of a two month vacation over several parts of the Western United States. Maria and I (more I than Maria) want to ensure that we show them a good time and that they leave loving AZ as much as we do. To achieve this, Maria and I have thought and planned out what will hopefully be a fun and memorable time for Andre and Eliza. (I took it "over-board" says Maria, by putting together this travel plan/itenerary with photos and facts.)
I hope you have a blast. The week's plans are awesome. I want to come.
AAAAA esto suena tan amazing.. q me da miedo!!! mil gracias por tomarte el tiempo para planear todo esto.. AAAAAAAAAa solo faltan un par de horas..
Everything was so amazing!! i will back for more
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