Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Put a face with the name!

Maria went to the doctors today for another ultra sound and came back with some totally amazing shots of Davis (well one amazing one, one cool one, one ok I can see that one and one 'what is it' one to be completely honest).

I am, first of all, totally amazed that the technology exist to get such a clear image and secondly I am amazed that within the bowling ball that is Maria's belly there is human life with a face - distinguishable and clear.

I am so excited to meet Davis and wish he could be here today.


Jann said...

That first one is an amazing picture of his face. Wow. He is so cute. I heard you all had fun at the shower. So sad I missed it. Thanks for the pictures of Davis.

Anonymous said...

hey.. es cabezon como el papa!!!! no hay duda q es tuyo!!
Y en verdad hay una en donde no se ve bien que carrizos es..

Ogie said...

How awesome!! It is amazing what they can do at this time to allow folks to see what is going on. Thanks for sharing the joy with everyone. Love ya

Jennie said...

Cute blog guys! I can't wait to meet Davis too. We sure like you guys! Cute belly Maria :)