Friday, September 26, 2008

Dear Twix,

I know that you and I have been good friends for quite sometime and that lately I have been avoiding you. I don't know how else to say this, so I am just going to come out and say it... we're finished! I want nothing more to do with you and would appreciate it if you would stop coming around. I found ways to keep our distance at the super market and gas station but to do this, to come to my place of work, is entirely unacceptable! Breaking up with you hurts me just as much as it hurts you, but please understand that I need to do this. In the end we will realize that it is for our own good.

With unwanted love,



AndresD said...

Who is Twix_?

Jann said...

Jake, you crack me up. I admire your ability to stay away from sugar. Nice going.

Sarah said... are funny! By the way, I thought I was supposed to bring dessert to your house tomorrow. How do I do that without adding sugar? I refuse to bring granola.

Ogie said...

Oh my how funny!! It took me a minute to realize what you were talking about. When it finally did hit I laughed so hard I had tears and everyone wanted to know what was going on. Trying to repeat it just made me laugh more. Keep up the good work and remember "Breaking up is hard to do" Love ya

Anonymous said...

LOL Andres, I hope someone has answered you. TWIX is a devilishly good candy bar! While still in the states, you must try one ... you'll quickly realize why Jacob has been led astray!

AndresD said...

ejejejjejeejej now i get it!! i was thinking why jacob doesnt want to talk with somebody.. he is so good.. and he nevers get mad (LOL).. sure i will try one.. i just google it!

Jen said...

Only you Jake would right a Dear John letter to a candy bar. Be strong and keep up the good work.