Here I go again... a list-like update of what we have been up to during the last week or so.
1) The Check - Finally the insurance has sent a check for the water damage in the basement!! Only one problem... it is made out to the previous home owner. Now all we have to do is coordinate a time with him to sign it over to us and then we can deposit it in our account.
2) Barf - This has become the subject of every conversation Maria and I ever have these days. Maria is so sick and tired of being pregnant. She barfs up almost everything she eats and when her stomach is completely empty she continues to barf up who knows what. This happens day and night! I am afraid Davis might be an only child.
3) Ladder Issues - The last few days I have been helping Royce (our cabling expert) at work with some of our larger projects. Monday I went and helped him run cables for a new Eye Masters in the west valley. I was standing on a ladder feeding cables as Royce pulled them when the ladder decided it was tired of me being on it and folded. I was left hanging from the rafters!! Royce managed to get the ladder back under me but not until after I had completely mangled the aluminum studs used as a wall support. The very next day at another location and similar situation I found myself swinging like Tarzan from six cables as I fell to my butt!! I was fine but I managed to tare the cables through the ceiling about 3 feet.
4) Baylee's Birthday - Saturday we celebrated Baylee's birthday with a totally awesome Luau Pool Party at John and Kelly's house. We had a ton of fun and Maria who almost didn't make it because she wasn't feeling well said she was glad she went. That will easily be the best first birthday Baylee will ever have!
5) New Neighbors - Sord of. My parents finally closed and began moving into their new home. Moving furniture from storage will surely offset the cost of the new home (renting a storage unit doesn't build as much equity as a house does). Although they will not be living full time in the new home we suspect they will find more reasons or excuses to come and stay closer to the growing grand kids.
6) Graduation - This really should have made it closer to the top of this list... Maria is done with school. Yep, Saturday morning she finished the last two classes for her Bachelors Degree in Business Admin. She was stressing over one of her classes but managed to pull it off with an A. We need to plan a celebration of some sort sometime.
7) Yerbua - yur-boo-ah; noun, The new nick-name given to adorable but crazy little Aubrey. Simply her name spelled backwards the name seems to be suiting her quirky personality. She is getting so big and is becoming more and more fun to play with. She loves balls, shoes, and cell phones (she walks around the house talking on any ones cell phone held to her head using only her shoulder!)
8) Baby Shower - Maria has finally decided to do a baby shower. This does not completely rule out the idea of doing a Baby BBQ at some later date for other friends and family. We have decided on a date that will work well for us, family and hopefully most of our friends. Please mark you calendars for Saturday, September 13 (time and location TBA via invitation). To ensure that you are on the invite list and that you are not stopped at the door by the bouncer please provide us with you address so we can get an invite out to you ASAP.
9) Los Di Geronimo - Some friends of mine from Caracas Venezuela are coming to town and will be staying with us from Sep. 6-13. I am so excited to see them and have them meet Maria. They are so much fun and know that they are going to have a great time here in AZ. I am even considering taking them to the Grand Canyon but I am not sure I want to go though. I have never been and think it is funny to admit having lived within only three hours of one of the Natural Wonders of the World for my entire life and never gone to check it out.
10) I can't think of a tenth - I was even struggling to come up with a ninth but wanted to try and be consistent with my previous over-sized update a few days ago.
I want to be on the list for the baby shower. This is Maria's friend Julie so make sure you add me to the list. Congrats to the soon to be parents.
I forgot to leave my email address - Sorry.
Congratulations Maria. That is just awesome that you have your degree. Great job!
Maria....congrats! I am so glad that you both are done with your degree! You will be cured of your sickness once the baby comes. And then, somehow you forget how sick you were...a few years from now. Then you decide you want another one, you are sick as a dog again, and wonder what you were thinking.
congrats to Maria!! That's such an awesome feeling...I can't wait to feel it myself. When's the grad party? What can we bring? :)
JAKE!!! Why won't you answer my texts...what is the dealio?!!!
What's your palns for the three day weekend? We need to get together!
Hi Maria! I found your blog I have had so much fun catching up with your life. CONGRATULATIONS on your sweet baby! I would love to come to your baby shower. It would be good to see you.
Take care!
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