Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Our New House (possibly)

Maria and I have put an offer in on a house. It is a short sale which means it could be a long and drug out process before we get it if our offer is accepted. The selling agent says that the bank usually requires two weeks to approve or decline an offer. The house is out in QC and we are still not sure we want to live out there but if our offer is accepted we are going to take that as a sign and go for it. The house is about 2,800 square feet (compared to our 833sqrft condo!), it has five bedrooms and three baths. It also sports a finished basement with home theater. They were asking $155k and we offered $150k and asked them to pay all closing cost. Should we get it we would only be financing $145,000 which is only about $8,000 more than what we payed for our condo!!
I found the builder and the floor plan on the Internet. The floor plan did not include the basement so I added the stairs, basement, and block wall to the floor plan.


Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

Looks nice, but I don't think they have a Elmwood ward there!!!!!!!!!!But wish you best and you will know if its the right thing to do!

Jann said...

This is awesome. I hope it works out for you.

Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

brother and sister boyle this is hallie dont you dare think of leaving our sunday class!!!!!!!!!!!

ps that pic of the baby was scary i thought it was sis. boyle :)

Chris, Mom,and Grandma said...

ps ( this is hallie) um its is ok if you do buy that house that other publishment kinda sounded mean. um but i will be sad! :)

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with this post, but i was reading the paper tonight and ran across this article...


you may have a copy cat on your hands....hmmm...copyright infringement? i think so!