It would be great to post a picture of my growing belly on the blog, but I am just over 6 months now and am hardly showing. I certainly feel and see the difference as I feel like I have a bowling ball in my tummy. Here at work those that don't have the general knowledge that I'm pregnant, have no idea from looking at me. I thought about it and these are some of the benefits that I have come up with.
-Not as many freakos touching my belly.
-I can still see my feet.
-I still fit in some of my clothes.
-Hopefully, it is that I am just losing belly fat and gaining baby.
It is so hot outside I have been going to the gym by my work at lunch to walk on the tread mill. It is a funny sight because the gym is very close to ASU. There are all these single college students running furiously on the treadmill and then there is me waddling at a slow walk.
Maria, this is awesome. Enjoy it.
Ya you look good. ANd I cant wait for lil davis to come!
I can't wait for little Sivad to come. Hey that sounds like "sinbad". How does it feel now suckka???
Hey I say that is great keep it up! I missed you in relief society no one to talk to so i just read my scriptures..won't see you next week we will be gone and so will Hallie did she tell you??? see ya in a few!
Jake-we really do need to get together. We had considered inviting you guys over for settlers and hamburgers on Sunday, but decided that you guys were probably busy and our family was still there so we already had enough bodies.
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