Sunday at Jen's house I referred to our little Cletus the Fetus as being peanut sized and was quickly corrected by Maria. Turns out my little squirt is much bigger, lime sized as a matter of fact.
I don't recall having been given many limes in my lifetime, if any at all, up to today. This morning I got in the car to go to class and found a lime on my dashboard with the message "Hi Daddy, I [heart] you."
Maria has accused me of not showing enough excitement for the arrival of our first born child and I have responded several times that when we can begin referring to it as a he or she I will begin to show more excitement. The truth is though that I am very excited but am a bit more quite in my expression.

I guess my point is that just because there is little outward expression of emotion does not necessarily mean that those emotions do not exists. Everybody expresses excitement, fear, uncertainty, joy, and love in a variety of ways.
Thank you Maria for that little lime and know that I am very excited for what it metaphorically represents.
Hey Jake, I felt the same way about John at first. Then when I would over hear him speaking to a friend or co-worker, you really could hear his excitement.
But I think it is different for Dad's. The women carry the baby and automatically feel a connection. The connection kind of comes later for guys.
Plus I think that Dad's become a little scared as well. They are the ones that have to support them financially, in most cases and so they wonder "Am I going to be able to give my child all the love they deserve and be able to support them and spend time with them." That was a worry with John. He wanted to make sure that he was able to spend lots of time with her and have fun with her.
But, you are right about the sex. Once you know the sex of the baby, you have more excitement because you can now go buy clothes or toys for them. Good luck though we are excited for you. You guys will be great parents.
Expressing little emotion is just a dude thing. I keep telling Maria that. Us girls just need a little reasurance at times. I like how you blog your emotions for Maria!
Thats sweet, You are going to be such a good daddy. If you haven't thrown away those doodles I bet Maria would love to see them.
Jake you are a great husband and will be a great dad. You may not express ypur feelings outward all the time but I have noticed you are so thoughtful. I am so glad all of my sisters have great husbands. oh and thanks for helping me with the bussiness card. That is one of your many qualities!
Oh my gosh, I've gotten teary every time I read this. You two are going to be fantastic parents - you have so many differences yet such a wonderful raporport with one another and always doing the sweetest things for one another. I love you both so much and am so excited to welcome this new little one. {{{hugz}}}
raporport was to have been rapport
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