Friday, April 18, 2008

Do you know Juno?

Maria bought "Juno" yesterday and we watched it together last night after class. If you have not yet seen Juno I would highly recommend it. It is about a high school junior who gets pregnant and is faced with the decision to keep the baby, abort it, or place it up for adoption. I am sure most of you knew someone in high school who got pregnant and went through similar situations and this movie captures the experience from their point of view. The humor is much like that of "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Dan in Real Life" (both great movies too).

If you've seen it tell us what you thought of it and if you haven't seen it yet, go get it and then tell us what you thought of it.


Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

I like that movie, we saw it at the theater when it came out. I will have to borrow it from you guys sometime.

Jann said...

I have not seen it yet, but want to. I tried to rent it here, but all the rental stores are closing. The only place to rent locally is in those dumb red boxes. I guess I need to get with it and sign up for netflix or whatever it's called.

Is it worth buying? 'Cause if it is then I'll just buy it.

Anonymous said...

we just got it too.... i love those gold shorts!