Maria had her first doctors appointment for the baby yesterday. It went well and was more-or-less uneventful (Maria may beg to differ, after all she was the subject of study, probes, and prods). It was fun though to see the genderless mass of tissue that will ultimately be our first child. The heart was beating and the doctor had only positive things to say about its development so far.
I want everyone to know what a great job Maria is doing in following doctor's orders, exercising, and eating better. I give her crap every now and again, as I am known to do, but I do it lovingly and am happy to see her working so hard.
Maria is walking regularly (and managed to lose some weight doing so), has cut out all refined sugar (at least as much as you can reasonably do), is drinking enough water to drown a fish, and trying her best to keep emotions subdued (although not always successful - but she is trying!)
Keep up the good work babe! Only 7 more months to go... until we have a whole new set of issues to deal with I am sure!
PS I also almost forgot to mention that her doctor is completely crazy! It is awesome!
aww i bit you guys had fun. So did they give you an actually due date? I need your address im sending out shower invitations next week.
I am super excited for you guys. Let me know the due date. Talk to you soon.
Afton Rogers Elam
I cant wait for the little tike to get here, they are so much fun.
Only your guys could find a crazy doctor. Good job Maria for taking such good care. That is not the easiest thing to do.
I am so glad I shared my crazy doctor with you guys! I think she is awesome.
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