I am up late tonight writing a paper for a history class and decided to take a little break and blog a bit. Things have been going well these last few days, still busy as ever. Maria has a week long break from school and has managed to de-stress a bit. She told me tonight that she got an A in one of her classes and is still waiting for the other grade to be posted. She starts classes again next week and is not looking forward to the statistics class. I am still trucking through my classes. I have a test in Philosophy, History and Accounting tomorrow (maybe I should have labeled this post "last will and testament").
Maria appears to be doing pretty good thus far with the whole pregnancy thing. I think the worst part for her has been sleeping at night (click here to read more about that!). Some days she feels a bit sick but she seems to be handling that part OK. The hormones have been a bit of a roller-coaster but we are both learning how to deal with them.
With out getting too sappy I should mention how grateful I am for Maria and all that she does. She works full time, goes to school full time, is pregnant full time and puts up with me full time! I am a pretty lucky man to have someone who is working so hard to start our family and help me through school.
I think I am going to go to bed now and finish my paper in the morning (I can hear Maria snoring and am getting a bit jealous!). Good-night.
I'm so glad you took a break from the history assignment. It's always good to get a between the calls update on how things are going for the two of you. :-)
Sometimes, sappy is good. *<):-p
Oh the days of school and pregnancy. I will say what Grandpa Davis always says when things are crazy, this too shall pass. I am glad Maria is not too ill with her pregnancy.
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