Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Work - School - Sleep (Repeat until May)

I know many of you have been through this already but it is now our turn so I am going to rant about it for a minute or two.

This semester is going to test Maria and I like no other semester thus far. As a means of graduating as quickly as possible I have decided to go to school full-and-a-half time. I am taking six courses and an institute class (not because I am super righteous - because I get free parking at the Tempe campus). I had just as heavy of a class load last semester and did well but was but I was able to schedule it much better than I could this semester. I am taking two day time courses in Tempe, three night classes (one on each of the three campuses) and an Internet course too.

Monday I went to work at 8am and went straight to school afterwards and got home just after 10pm. Tonight and tomorrow will be the same!

If anyone sees Maria between now and the end of the semester let her know I love her and will see her soon!


Kelly Boyle said...

Don't worry Jake, It will only make you stronger. I will try to make it up there more. I am having to be a single mom now that John is working and going to school as well. Tell Maria to call me more.

Jann said...

Oh man, this is bringing back some seriously unpleasant memories. It is worth it though. Good luck this semester.

Spence said...

Come on! Quit your whining and buy and alarm clock. :-) That's alarming. :-) I feel for you, those were pretty dark days when Christine and I were in school. Maybe I should have said Christine, Maria, Lara, and I were in school.