Sunday, January 27, 2008

Speaking in Churchy

Today Jake and I spoke in the church for the first time in our new ward. Jake did an awesome job as he has such great speaking abilities. Some times I can't believe what a smart, intelligent, and witty man that I married. We even did some matchy matchy outfits with his red tie matching my red top. As Dad would say..."fer cutee!" I had a hard time trying to figure out what to talk about as my assignment was Blessed are the Pure in Heart. I called Dad and he hooked me up. I feel so blessed to be able to have such a resource. It seems like every time I talk to him he is speaking in church. So I guess, practice makes perfect. All in all I am glad it's over!


Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Dad is awesome. I bet you guys did a great job...

Jann said...

I'll bet you did a great job. I have talked in church one time in the last ten years. Knock on wood.