I was up at least 15 times last night with... the squirts! It all began with sweet, innocent, little Aubrey (or it was food poisoning by Lara - which too may be possible) and passed systematically through Lara, Josh, Todd, Kirsten, Maria and finally me. I thought I was strong enough to resist the virus but I was not. (I may have been though the only not to toss my cookies though - is it any surprise that what goes in my stomach stays there?)
All I know is that I am sick and tired of it. I never felt that poorly and even considered going into work today but decided to avoid others to stop further spreading of this evil flu. The worst part was all the sleep lost sitting on the pot! I have not had it this bad since I was in Venezuela!
I am sure the last thing you wanted to read about today was my Hershey Squirts but hey if you have read this far into the post it is your own darn fault!
To see a picture slide show of last nights events click here.
TMI Jacob, TMI.
Firgot to add, sure hope you get to feeling better soon ... and Maria continues to fell better. :-)
No fun to be sick. I hope you feel better soon.
i was hoping for pictures of the event. had they been anything like the way you hosed down your shower and bathroom that one time then i thought this definatly would be fantastic
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