Friday, December 14, 2007


There are few things that I regret doing or not doing in my life. I would imagine that everyone has something in their lives that they regret.

Maria and I had planned on going to Yuma a few weeks ago to see and take pictures of the statue that my Grandpa bought to honor the Mormon Battalion. Regretfully we did not go as we had planned but instead put it off til tomorrow. I was so excited to go and was planning to take some pictures of us and the statue to frame to give to my Grandpa for Christmas. I had been so excited and my excitement had grown as I talked to my Mom and Dad about it and my Dad had told me how much he thought that would have met to my Grandpa (my Grandpa was to ill to go to the dedication of the statue and had never seen it). When we were there this last August for his birthday he was so proud to show off a miniature replica of the statue that had been sent to him in thanks. He would have loved the pictures and a note from us about our trip.

Just a few moments ago my Mom called me to tell me that my Grandpa has passed away. He was found by my Uncle in his chair.

Regrets, we all have them right?


Jen said...

Jake, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa, if you guys need anything let me know.

Jann said...

I'm so sorry about your grandpa. I am sure he knew how much you loved him, and would not want you to feel regrets. You are in our thoughts and prayers.